There was a time when I waited for Sunday. After a week of work, and I worked hard, a day of rest was very welcome. I loved to sleep. I am not an atheist, and I go to church maybe once a year for midnight mass on Christmas eve. So I'm not a churchgoer basically. Therefore Sundays did not mean that I was seated in the pews in church listening to the pastor's sermon. The pastor, in fact, would not recognise me until my sister, who goes more often to church, introduced me as her brother after Christmas Eve mass. I also had a problem sleeping and would lie awake at nights trying desperately trying to fall asleep. I tried counting sheep and it never worked. I also tried those sleeping videos on YouTube. I listened \ and felt bored. They were not music I was familiar with and they kept my eyelids firmly apart. Even a safe tranquillizer that my doctor prescribed did not have any effect. The on...
I was waiting at the bus stop when I noticed the old gentleman.
"Waiting for a bus?" I asked trying to be
He shook his head and looked at me with mournful eyes. "No. I'm waiting for
people," he said with a sad smile.
"For people?"
"Yes to pick their pockets," the man said sorrowfully.
I was instantly alert. "Are you a pickpocket?"
"A gentleman pickpocket," he sighed unhappily.
"What's the
difference between the two?" I asked surprised.
"I always ask permission
before I pick someone's pocket," the old man said with a nod.
"They usually respond by
giving me some money," the pickpocket said.
"But that's no better
than begging!" I exclaimed.
"Certainly not. A
gentleman pickpocket does not beg. He merely borrows and there is no tomorrow
for repayment."
"Is this a touch?"
I asked aggressively.
"I'm not indigent you know,"
he said, "but can you give me a quid or two?"
"Pickpockets aren't poor, they make people
poorer," I replied warmly.
"I said I wasn't poor. I have two houses and two cars," he bragged.
I looked at him doubtfully.
"Pick-pocketing is
just a hobby of mine," he continued, "Just like chess."
"Where's your car?" I asked suspiciously.
"There," he said airily pointing to a luxury sedan
parked a little distance away.
I took it in with a pinch of salt.
"I don't ride in buses. Why should I when I have my
cars?" the old pickpocket said breezily.
"Yet you pick people's pockets?"
I asked skeptically.
"Women are safe from me," he added, "They don't have pockets."
"But there are women pickpockets too," I said.
"Are you a misogynist?" he asked drawing his
eyebrows together.
"No," I replied stoutly, "But I draw the line
at my pocket being picked by a woman."
"What about light-fingered
ladies?" the man asked.
"I dislike being fingered, even by a woman," I
"Are you a sex maniac?" asked the gentleman pickpocket.
"Certainly not, " I
"I don't understand why you
object to your pocket being picked by a woman."
"I'm not a
misogynist," I replied adamantly.
"I know a couple of
ladies any man will gladly agree to have his pocket picked," the man said.
"Not mine," I
said determinedly.
"Don't you like
ladies?" he asked leaving the question hanging.
"Not those whose fingers
are in training to snip pockets," I said.
A bus came to a stop and a
pretty young woman stepped off.
"Ah, my dear, I did
not expect to find you here," the old man told the young woman.
The young woman pouted.
"Business is a bit slack, I'll wait for another bus for better pickings."
She noticed me. "New recruit?"
she asked the pickpocket.
"No he claims to be a
researcher on pickpockets," he replied.
I gave her a sideways look.
"Did you research his
pocket?" she asked the old man.
"He doesn't seem to have
a dime," he sighed.
"Here," she told
the old man handing him a cosh,"bop him over the head with it."
"Do you mean to use that
on me?" I protested.
"Just a little tap. It won't
hurt much," the young woman said coaxingly.
"I'm not having my
noggin bopped," I protested.
"Since you refuse to
have your pocket picked, you leave me with little options," the pickpocket
"Do you take morning
walks?" asked the young woman.
"Just as I
suspected," she said, "then you must have your head tapped once in a
while. It's good for the constitution.
"You don't have to teach
me the Constitution. I know all about it. I read it in school," I replied.
"Didn't it knock you
out?" the old man asked.
"I can't remember,"
I said truthfully, "it was such a long time ago."
"A tap on the head jogs
the memory," the young woman said earnestly, "especially to remember
to have money in the pocket when outdoors."
"Otherwise what will
happen to us pickpockets, we would be unemployed! As it is the employment
situation is bad," the pickpocket said.
"I can't do much if pickpockets
are unemployed," I said heatedly.
"But you should
contribute to society and ensure employment for pickpockets. That's a social
commitment. Did they not teach you anything in school?" the young woman
"That was a long time
ago," I replied, "and I can't remember much of geography, mathematics
or civics."
"That means you have not
read the history of pickpockets!" the young woman exclaimed.
"I can't remember to
have read it," I said.
"But it's in
Wikipedia," the young woman said surprised.
"Wickedpedia more likely.
I don't read pornography," I remarked.
"A little pornography
does no harm," the old pickpocket said, "especially if you are picking
"Thou shalt not covet
thy neighbor's wife," I replied sternly.
"Why, is your
neighbor's wife a pickpocket?" inquired the young woman archly.
"I don't know
that," I said truthfully, "I'm not interested in married
"So you are interested
in unmarried females, you lecher," the young woman replied.
"I'm not a lecher, the
birds and bees don't make you a lecher," I protested.
"The birds are not a
problem, but honey is. Try calling an unknown woman honey and you would be
badly stung," the old man said.
"You must have been
stung a number of times then," I told the pickpocket smirking,
"If you want honey, you
must be prepared to be stung once in a while."
"I prefer to buy the sting
proof variety of honey available in stores for having with bread at breakfast,"
I said, "It'a better than pornography any day."
"So you seem to have a
fascination for pornography," the young woman said with a smile.
"I said I disliked
pornography intensely and especially before breakfast," I corrected.
"Come on honey, don't
fib," she said.
"Did you just call me
honey?" I asked my tongue hanging out instantly.
"There see," the
pickpocket said indulgently, "the birds and bees are about to
"But did you call me
honey?" I asked.
The young woman nodded.
"It's time to give you the once over again."
The pickpocket began
rummaging my pockets and came up empty-handed.
"Nothing of interest,"
he sighed.
"Let's tickle him,"
the young woman said.
"Are you going to tickle
me?" I asked the young woman in alarm.
"Certainly not. We will
merely locate your funny bone and make you spill the beans," the
pickpocket replied.
"It's called feather
touch," the young woman said sweetly.
"No touching," I
said hastily. "And, I hate a touch even if it is from a pickpocket."
"We're only touching you
for a fiver or tenner," the young woman said coaxingly.
"But my pockets are
empty. Your partner saw for himself," I said.
"But seeing is not
believing," the young woman said, "where's your stash?"
"I am not carrying
money," I pleaded.
"What about a credit
card?" asked the pickpocket.
"I left it at
home," I mumbled.
"I hate forgetful
people," the young woman said, "next you will say that you have forgotten
your false teeth!"
"There is nothing false
about my teeth," I protested, "they are in excellent shape. I
exercise them night and day."
"He might be hiding his
money under his false teeth," the young woman persisted.
"They are not false. They
have excellent biting power," I interjected.
"So does my cat,"
she said.
"Is your cat also an expert
pickpocket?" I asked her amazed.
"It's all a matter of
conditioning and training," the young woman said nonchalantly.
"You mean you
brainwashed the poor cat into turning a pickpocket?" I questioned.
"It helps when there are
a lot of loaded guests at home," she said.
"You rob your
guests?" I asked aghast.
"One has to make a
living you know," she replied shrugging her dainty shoulders. "The
guests are so plastered they never realize that the cat has pinched their money.
"You are the queen of
swindlers," I said hotly.
"Flattery will get you
nowhere," the old man said wearily.
"Why don't we bop him on
the head. He has it coming," the young woman said.
"Now, now, no
violence," I said backing away a step.
"We believe in
non-violence, but we have a cosh for tricky customers like you," the
pickpocket said producing one.
"I bet you couldn't use
a boomerang as effectively," I challenged.
"Boomerangs are for
kangaroos, are you a kangaroo?" asked the young woman.
I hopped a few feet.
"Let him have the cosh,
he's trying to escape," said the young woman excitedly.
"Why don't we behave
non-violently?" I asked smoothly, "or like kangaroos, they are peace-loving
creatures who have pockets in their bellies."
"Do they really?"
asked the young woman wonderingly.
"I wonder what you can
find in their pockets," the pickpocket mused.
"Joeys," I said
"What?" asked the young
"He means baby
kangaroos," the old man replied.
"Are they legitimate or
illegitimate?" asked the young woman arching her eyebrows.
"Kangaroos don't go to
church or marry," I said.
"But they have
babies!" exclaimed the young woman, "They must be some kind of
hippies I suppose."
"The hippy shake," I volunteered,
"the more they shake the more the joeys."
"Make love, not kangaroos,"
the young woman said stiffly, "and the world will be a better place for
"But we seem to be
wandering from our purpose," the pickpocket said grimly, "let me cosh
him and see the color of his money."
"Now, now, you wouldn't
do that would you?" I asked feebly.
"Let's see if he is lily-livered
inside," the young woman said enthusiastically.
I gave a sudden, hysterical
shout indicating the pickpocket, "He has ants in his pants and his
bottom's on fire."
"Is my behind on fire?"
the pickpocket questioned in sudden alarm.
"There can't be smoke
without a fire," the young woman said with suspicion. "I don't see
"Here," I said
lighting a cigarette and puffing a cloud of smoke into her face.
"Egad, my bottom must be
poached by now," said the pickpocket jumping up and down excitedly.
"Let's run," said
the young woman recoiling in horror.
They both took to their heels
as I casually adjusted my socks where I had stashed my money and continued to
wait for the bus.
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